Yesteryear, seen through the eyes of nostalgia, is imperfect. It can be blurred, chaotic, distorted, fogged, jagged, or even wrong. Nevertheless, it feels no less real than the laughs we may share, the tears we might shed, or the love we mean to spread. It is complex, the culmination of sources untold to craft an image that lives in our minds and in our hearts.
Collage, painting, photography, and printmaking come together to create unique cyanotype landscapes. These cyano-scapes are the resulting stories as told by a multitude of collaborating techniques. They speak to the tales of childhood now yearned, the magic of realms once imagined but since forgotten, and the rejuvenating reconnection to Mother Nature’s embrace.
Perhaps beautiful? Perhaps haunting? Perhaps something that goes beyond what mortal words can describe? And yet, amongst the abstract, a notion felt by us all.